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The Woodroof Protocol
A method of reducing withdrawal,
support tapering and prevent relapse

I dedicate this work to everyone struggling with addiction as well as those, helping the increasing number of people, out there suffering. From the parent worried sick about their child, to the healthworkers and professionals each Day fighting to save the lives of those, still stuck in addiction.

My dear American friend whom I had the pleasure of getting to know and helping to taper from a severe opiod-addiction, inspired me to write this to share with you.

This information will be of great value, if you’re trying to recover, or currently helping someone, recover from addiction to: stimulants, opioids and GABAergics.

Here below is a short guide, that summarizes the findings made from Years of experience working within this field making personalized regimens of supplements with very promising results.
The individual regimens are all legal, non-toxic, non-addictive, natural and most importantly based on evidence. They can all be bought or ordered online, at a reasonable cost and self-administered or used alongside other treatments etc.


I wanted to show my appreciation for Woodroofs work and courage making treatments available back then, fighting for the rights of people, who weren’t offered the best treatment they knew at the time.

Woodroof is a referal to Ronald Dickson Woodroof (1992) who founded the famous Dallas Buyers Club which later was made into the movie by the same name. R.D.Woodroof through the buyers club, distributed medicine to treat Aids during the hardship in the 80’s. Today we see addiction is killing more people each Year than Aids did when it was most rampant in the US. Not only OD’s but addiction-related suicide as well as alcoholism is widely spreading, creating torn apart families and isolated individuals, all who are in dire need of our help.

This story ressonated with me, as I started a non-profit myself about 3 Years ago, where we collectively bought large amounts of supplements to save money and to get around the legislation in my country. I would then make personalized blends of these for a lot of cases, but especially for people struggling with addiction and cases where our psychiatry had failed.
I quickly started getting people referred to me struggling with stimulants, opioids and GABAergics but were also able to help in a lot cases with somatic diseases and I had to keep learning and read up on the studies as well as scout the internet for knowledgeable sources.

I was educated as an intercultural and international socialworker, later having studied anthropology and globalization, although I have no background in medicine, this must be mentioned.
I suffered a minor TBI (traumatic brain injury) 10 Years ago, and I had to learn, how to recover from the cognitive issues and did a lot of experimentation and researched neuro-regeneration and supplements for Years which meant I was familiar scouting for resources,
reading studies as well as looking for interactions.

I needed to dive deep into the individual effects of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, adaptogens and nootropics and the different synergies, and found some very interesting finds regarding possible addiction treatments and support, and I have witnessed some very promising results.

These following regimens and advice is what I’ve seen having the highest rate of recovery as well as the lowest rapported issues with relapse, accute withdrawal as well as PAWS (post-accute-withdrawal-symptoms) while and after tapering. Studies are linked beneath each, for further reading.

If you’re on any other medication or supplements, then either get a medical professional to look into interactions before trying any of these or if you proceed on your own hand, make sure either ask on i.e. Reddit / FB groups, or Google substance-x + substance-y + interactions and do a bit of reading.

Warning, this blend of supplements potentiates opiates to a high degree, meaning if you’re on an active taper, then dose lower than you’re used to before trying these, approximately half your usual dose. It also means you can do a far more rapid taper and use these before, as well as after, your last dose during the taper, to reduce RLS and PAWS here. When you hit a wall and your body starts reacting with WD’s, then hover at that dose for a few Days and then continue cutting down a little less aggressive from there on.

1.Bacopa Monnieri Extract__________________________________300mg-3000mg pr. Day in 1-3 doses
2.Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa) ____________________________1 tbsp.-3 tbsp. pr. Day in 1-3 doses
3.Agmatine ________________________________________________500mg-1500mg pr. Day in 1-3 doses
4.Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)___________________50mg-100mg divided in several doses*

*Before starting the vitamin C, I recommend to read up on this link: ... addiction/
If you suffer from hemochromatosis, skip the vitamin c though.

*In some cases where you’re coming off a dangerously high dose of fentanyl or methadone, then substituting with kratom alongside this regiment can be useful in certain cases, but it must be said kratom in of itself is an opioid with risk of addiction. It’s the lessor of two evils though and for some can have benefits, if they can’t get suboxone etc. It will work fine, alongside this taper as these supplements also potentiates the kratom and suboxone a lot. If you’re trying to get off kratom the same supplements will help you too.

Bacopa (BM) can require a step by step increase to avoid stomach issues, so start with a low dose. Some people get slight diarrhea dosing high on BM, so always dose right after a fatty meal, or just use Psyllium husks and some butter/oil before taking the BM, although a large meal containing fats, is the most effective way mitigating this. Also certain bad extracts tends to make the diarrhea inevitable even in low doses and with food so if you’re unlucky to get your hands on a bad extract, try giving another a go before you give up on BM as it is truly effective when it can get absorbed.
Both the vitamin c and the BM needs to get adjusted for by slowly increasing until you reach bowel tolerance. A meal before, with the fiber and fats seems to shorten this period. BM in higher doses causes a slight fatigue and some prefer to take 200-500mg of rhodiola extract early in the Day to counter this because if the rhodiola is taken late, it will hinder sleep.

Bacopa has a long history of use for opium-addiction in India but have recently been studied and hailed for it’s effect of diminishing discomfort and reducing WD’s as well as the dose needed for painrelief etc. Agmatine and BSO also show great potential for reducing WD’s and managing PAWS as shown in the studies.
I will refer to a few studies here but for more detailed information, I recommend reading or skimming the PHD dissertation about the potential of bacopa in opioid dependency as well.
For further reading on each supplement Google each + opioid + studies or opiates, and read about some of the studies or old threads about these.

Effect of bacopa monnieri on morphine dependence and tolerance to analgesia in animal models (PHD Thesis) ... /1574S.pdf

Effect of Bacopasides on acquisition and expression of morphine tolerance ... _tolerance

A new and novel treatment of opioid dependence: Nigella sativa 500 mg

Thymoquinone: From Nigella sativa to a protective pharmacological compound in managing opioid dependence and amphetamine type stimulant issues

Effect of agmatine on the development of morphine dependence in rats: potential role of cAMP system

Agmatine Prevents Adaptation of the Hippocampal Glutamate System in Chronic Morphine-Treated Rats

Attenuation of heroin withdrawal syndrome by the administration of high-dose vitamin C ... _vitamin_C

I recommend to continue this regimen for a while after seizing the last mg’s of opiates as this prevents relapse by a great deal as well as helps to bring the body back into homeostasis as bacopa increases synaptogenesis as well. You can skip the high dose vitamin C when you’re out of the woods and just get a good multivitamin and some omega 3’s to maintain the effects. The rhodiola also acts as a powerful anti-fatigue and anti-depressant for post addiction lethargy. Most get great relief from doing this regiment for longer periods as they report it helps keep them clearminded and manages their cravings for opiates, is what I’ve experienced from feedback.

The doses can easily be lowered to more sustainable levels that will still offer relief from cravings. On the last page I have some recommendations for other natural compounds with neuro-regenerative proporties that also reduces cravings for alcohol and drugs that can be worth looking into to add to, as well as substitute for some of these when you get clean and free from WD’s again.

Warning, do not use mucuna alongside an active taper still using stimulants. You should be able to stop or do a rapid taper with the others and continue with the mucuna but do so only, when you’re off the stimulant. In most cases it is easier just to stop and substitute with this regimen as it will reduce cravings, mental instability as well as physical WD’s very effectively. Also be aware that polygala potentiates stimulants so dose lower than usual around 2/3 normal dose and monitor your reactions if you are going to taper off without mucuna. If any sign of discomfort arises, wait to use polygala also until you’ve tapered down using the others.

1.L-tyrosine_______________________________________________________500mg-2500mg 1-3 doses
2.Bilberry/Blueberry Extract_______________________________________300mg-1500mg 1-3 doses
3.Polygala Extract_________________________________________________ 50mg-200mg 1-3- doses
4.Mucuna Extract__________________________________________________50mg-250mg 1-3 doses

Mucuna extract contains l-dopa which is a direct precursor to dopamine and l-tyrosine is a precursor to l-dopa, which helps prevent neurotoxicity to some degree. Bilberry/blueberry extract also has neuroprotective proporties on the dopaminergic system as shown from the studies below. It’s best to get bilberry as it contains 4-10x higher the amount of anthocyanins but a higher dose of blueberry extract will also work. It is though not recommended to use mucuna for lengthy periods due to risk of neurotoxicity so later, you’ll be able to, instead drop the mucuna, and add NAC + d-phenylalanine which is a precursor to the l-tyrosine, alongside the others. This is once you’ve been clean for at least a Week and managed the most severe craving and WD’s.

In case you’re showing troubling signs of brainaging due to stimulant-use, you can add bacopa to this stack as well, as evidence is showing it is acting as a powerful neuroprotectant in meth+mpp induced neurotoxicity and it’s effect of synaptogenesis will aid here, as well.
Pair it with rhodiola 200-500mg if you experience fatigue or depression from the PAWS that won’t dissapate with the supplements.

Antioxidant-Enriched Diet Affects Early Microglia Accumulation and Promotes Regeneration of the Striatal Dopamine System after a 6-Hydroxidopamine-Induced Lesion in a Rat

Blueberry- and spirulina-enriched diets enhance striatal dopamine recovery and induce a rapid, transient microglia activation after injury of the rat nigrostriatal dopamine system ... 8605002797

Dopamine mediated antidepressant effect of Mucuna pruriens seeds in various experimental models of depression

Neuro-Cognitive Effects of Acute Tyrosine Administration on Reactive and Proactive Response Inhibition in Healthy Older Adults

Tyrosine influence on amphetamine self-administration and brain catecholamines in the rat

Effects of dietary tyrosine on L-dopa- and amphetamine-induced changes in locomotor activity and neurochemistry in mice

Polygalasaponins effective against antipsychotic treatment

Antidepressant Principles of the Roots of Polygala tenuifolia ... tenuifolia

Hypothesizing Balancing Endorphinergic and Glutaminergic Systems to Treat and Prevent Relapse to Reward Deficiency Behaviors: Coupling D-Phenylalanine and N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) as a Novel Therapeutic Modality

I also recommend you continue this regiment for as long as you experience cravings or fear you might relapse. Just switch the mucuna after the critical phase and instead use NAC + d-phenylalanine and perhaps bacopa if there’s some damages from a long period of addiction. You will easily be able to find a lower or even a higher, functioning dose of the supplements that suits your need for repair and relief. The most important part is you move further and further away from relapse and get the natural energy and drive to get back into a healthy lifestyle again. In general people I learn who’ve forgotten or stopped their supplements, after they get clean, tends to relapse, way more often, than those who keep their regimens. So use this for as long as needed and read the part about alcohol and managing cravings down at the bottom. If you feel some resistance to using supplements or want to learn more about other kinds of medicine like these, I advice you to download the free guide, linked to at the last page.

Warning, don’t completely seize your use of benzodiazepines abrubtly. Plan a careful taper as risk of seizures can be highly dangerous, especially in the higher dose-range. This regimen will potentiate benzodiazepines also, as well so be aware to dose lower in the beginning until you get a sense of how much potentiation, for the benzo, you’re currently on. Approximately to 1/2 and then if WD’s kick in dose a bit higher until you feel okay and if you get high vice versa. If you’re using a benzo that is metabolized fast like alprazolam it can be worth to slowly adjust and start using a benzo with a longer half life like clonazapam and diazapam to better be able to cut doses and not worry about getting into WD’s at every hour.

Emoxypine______________________________________________________100mg-500mg 1-3 doses pr.Day
Agmatine_______________________________________________________500mg-1500mg 1-3 doses pr.Day
Magnolia Bark Extract___________________________________________200mg-800mg 1-3 doses pr. Day
Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)____________________________________1 tbsp.-3 tbsp. 1-3 doses pr. Day

*This also works for gabapentenoids like (Gabapentin, Pregabalin and Phenibut) but if you’re tapering down from a high dose phenibut, you might also benefit by substituting 1g of phenibut with 10mg baclofen in that ratio. This regimen will make you able to taper fast and effective down from the baclofen too.
Glutamate surges from excitotoxicity when tapering, often creates severe adrenal fatigue, mental instablity and wearyness, after a while and here it is also important to make sure to get a enough vitamin b6 and you’ll also be able try kava, NAC and l-theanine, alongside this, to prevent these symptoms. Magnolia modulates GABA-a but there’s not many studies on emoxypine even though safety has been well-established. Regarding emoxypine, you can find a wide arrange of user reports that backs it’s efficiency in tapering which were confirmed from my own observations.
All of these together, can bring a bit symptoms of fatigue due to the combined effects of the supplements. If this becomes an issue take 200-500mg of rhodiola extract early in the Day to counter this because if the rhodiola is taken late, it will hinder sleep. Lemon balm and magnesium glycinate can be a help in getting some sleep, in certain phases in the WD’s if you taper aggressively.
Use this like the other regimens for as long as you need the support and when you’re completely off all benzodiazepines and stabilized, then you can switch the magnolia extract to sabroxy extract, and this will help your brain heal faster due to increased BDNF, neurogenesis as well as synaptogenesis. Bacopa too has effects of synaptogenesis and will help mitigating symptoms of alcohol WD and craving and can be useful to add, once you’re off as well.
* Benzo induced neurological dysfynction (BIND) can require more of the neuro-regenerative effects in general and higher doses. I suggest you download the free guide, linked to at the last page, and look into, sabroxy, polygala, bacopa, sulforaphane, emoxypine and the neuropeptides as a start.

Agmatine Inhibit The Tolerance To The Anxiolytic Effect Of Diazepam In Rats ... 4c04e8c01f

Magnolol, a major bioactive constituent of the bark of Magnolia officinalis, induces sleep via the benzodiazepine site of GABAA receptor in mice ... 0812002894

Effect of Magnolia officinalis and Phellodendron amurense (Relora (R)) on cortisol and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects ... d_subjects

Promising effects of emoxypine and its succinate derivative in the management of various diseases-with insights on recent patent applications

[The results of the study of the efficacy and safety of mexidol in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia] (Mexidol = Emoxypine)

Kava as an anticraving agent: preliminary data ... inary_data

Bacopa monnieri abrogates alcohol abstinence-induced anxiety-like behavior by regulating biochemical and Gabra1, Gabra4, Gabra5 gene expression of GABAA receptor signaling pathway in rats ... 2218383914

III. I.Alcohol
Dealing with alcoholism often get’s tricky as this is tied deeply into culture as well as patterns of engaging in much needed socializing.
This regimen of supplements might be able to reduce most of the cravings and help with many of the issues from a physiological point of view. While on the other hand, the isolation and mental toll it takes to step outside of the festivities, often tend to push people back into drinking or worse even, into drugs.
Kava shows some very promising results being a positive allosteric modulator of the GABA-a receptor which means it doesn’t have much addiction potential at all, yet mimicks a lot of the effects from alcohol. In a lot places now, people are beginning to bring kava for themselves for going to parties, to manage social anxiety and peer-preassure as well as experiencing the enjoyment of being a part of the letting loose.
Kava has shown to act as a powerful anti-cravings agent as shown in the study below, not only for alcohol but most drug of choices tested on the group.

My anecdotal observations:
Most people who’ve gotten clean, functional and even stopped drinking due to it leading them to do drugs, often told me about them getting a nagging evening restlessness. In general how it would get their head spinning about relapsing just once etc.
Those who tried kava all reported that it took away that sense of craving and it helped them relax and unwind when they got stressed enough to begin fantasizing about drugs and alcohol. Some of those who didn’t want the kava, managed to stay clean, while others unfortunately found themselves, slip a few times.
But they often reported, that having the supplements and knowing the way back, kept them getting back to living clean very quickly after.
A theory of this is, could be due to the role alcohol and cannabis has played for thousands of Years perhaps, being incoded in our biology, to come to a point where the need, for just some kind of recreational effects for some, becomes highly unbearable to cope with.
This is why I often advice people in risk, to get to learn about kava and have at least a little bag of instant/micronized kava lying around, so they know they’ll be able to push the panic button on the accute cravings.

The point of kava being highly adviced as the lessor of two evils is displayed in these infographics here: (

Kava and safety:
Kava got a bad stain from back in the 90’s when some medicinal companies bought up a kava-company and shortly after started making acetone extracts of leaves and stems which wasn’t allowed. A few cases with people with pre-existing liver issues and even alcoholism and medication on the side, in a rare instants experienced hepatoxicity and the pharmaceutical industry, in a collective effort, blew it out proportions. The most likely cause of this, is hypothesized to be, the rapid increase, in loss of sales of benzodiazepines and addictive sleeping medication, which they began seeing as kava increased in popularity back in the late 90’s. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have since put these claims to rest, and these are linked to beneath. As a comparison acetylsalicylic acid, also known as aspirin, was actually found, to be more dangerous than kava.

 “Kava Lebertoxisch?”

 “Kava Toxicity.”

“A Plant Kavalactone Desmethoxyyangonin Prevents Inflammation and Fulminant Hepatitis in Mice.”

“Kava Feeding in Rats Does Not Cause Liver Injury nor Enhance Galactosamine-Induced Hepatitis.” .

“Lack of Evidence of Kava-Related Hepatotoxicity in Native Populations in Savaii, Samoa.”

“Yangonin Protects against Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease through Farnesoid X Receptor.” Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology

“Effects of Kava Root Extract on the Liver Morphology of c57bl-6 Mus Musculus Mice.” 44.

“Anxiolytic Action and Safety of Kava: Effect on Rat Brain Acetylcholinesterase Activity and Some Serum Biochemical Parameters.

“Chemical and in Vitro Toxicity Analysis of a Supercritical Fluid Extract of Kava Kava (Piper Methysticum).”

“Flavokawains A and B from Kava (Piper Methysticum) Activate Heat Shock and Antioxidant Responses and Protect against Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Cell Death in HepG2 Hepatocytes.”

 “Aqueous Kava Extracts Do Not Affect Liver Function Tests in Rats.”

“Safety of Ethanolic Kava Extract: Results of a Study of Chronic Toxicity in Rats.” Phytomedicine:

“Kava Hepatotoxicity: Comparative Study of Two Structured Quantitative Methods for Causality Assessment.” .

Finishing words:
Reintegrating your lifepath back into your original flowstate again, can be difficult, as all addiction tends to originate from trauma of some sort, but also create a lot of trauma in of itself. Most of us, are also carriers of multiple generations of traumatic experiences and all of this, if not treated, will hinder our journey into the higher levels of emotional and spiritual growth. These regimens can provide us with a long window of opportunity to begin to find your way back into progressing with a healthy lifestyle. But if the addiction-issue, is taken lightly, and given enough time, the signs of trauma’s will come clawing their way back and have you risk relapse.
I see a lot, find great comfort in religious community with a strong faith as well as evolving values of reciprocity to newcomers. Some start to exercise a lot and eat healthy again, as well as reach out to new friendgroups. Some show great benefits from getting therapy or counseling for that extra assistance in unraveling, certain kinds of severe trauma. Others go into Eastern and spiritual practices like Qigong and Yoga and start to meditate. A combination of all of these would be ideal, but focus on one step at a time. There are many paths back to healing and a good marker for progression here, is if your eyes are getting kinder, your voice is becoming softer and you begin to feel and see the traumas, of others, and wants to be in service of some sort.

Counter-intuitive strategies
For those who at some point will seek out, some kind of therapy this here beneath, might be worth knowing.
PTSD therapy offers relief for around 20% of people with PTSD, while MDMA-facilitated therapy shows results of around 80% instead. If you suffer from PTSD or severe trauma, and you can’t get this therapy where you’re at, using kanna extract (preferably MT55) and getting a good therapist to work with, will help you up the percentages. This is because kanna works very similarly to MDMA. Just let the therapist know politely, that you’re supplementing with a herbal extract while you’re there, to treat your anxiety, and most will have no issues with this.
The promising aspect of this, is that now, you can have Weekly sessions instead of having to wait 2-3 Months in between each, as with MDMA due to sideeffects and toxicity. Although be careful that the euforic effects of kanna doesn’t act as a trigger so be mindful about this before proceeding.

The safety and efficacy of ±3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-assisted psychotherapy in subjects with chronic, treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder: the first randomized controlled pilot study
Acute Effects of Sceletium tortuosum (Zembrin), a Dual 5-HT Reuptake and PDE4 Inhibitor, in the Human Amygdala and its Connection to the Hypothalamus
A Chewable Cure “Kanna”: Biological and Pharmaceutical Properties of Sceletium tortuosum

Further reading:
You can find a more comprehensive guide on these and other supplements as well as good places to buy from and save money etc. called: A Short Guide To Using Powerful Healing Medicines In A Modern Age, on this link.

If the link stops working or if you have any inquiries, reach me on this email, I’ll try answer within a few days :

Senest rettet af Jibri 09 apr 2023 12:00, rettet i alt 1 gang.

Indlæg: 08 apr 2023 12:57 

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